

软件大小: 1.96MB
软件语言: 简体中文
软件类别: 服务器端 - UO服务端
授权方式: 共享版
应用平台: Win9X/2000/XP/2003/
更新时间: 2008/08/15 15:13:51
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- Hiryus and Lesser Hiryus no longer get theit stats halved many times, at each retame.
- Artifact spellbooks no longer get their mod caps fixed as if them were crafted books.
- Miscellaneous fixes in labeling system (GM cheat prevention)
- Using a potion keg and targetting stack of bottles now consumes one bottle, not the entire stack.
- Bleed attack now works properly
- All Doom bosses now have a 10% probability of detecting hidden players within their range instead 25%
所有Doom Boss现在只有10%的可能侦测他们可是范围内的隐身玩家,而不是原先的25%。
- No monsters can now ever be interrupted when casting a spell
- If you use scissors on cloth, now you will receive correct message
- Mobile/Item labels now shown centered
- Added restrictions to use spells/skills/abilities in animal form
- Shadowjump: fixed stealth check
- Shadowjump: fixed visual effect
- Fukiyas/Shurikens: throwing now takes you out of hide mode
- Flying fukiya dart animation now fixed.
修正fukiya dart的飞行动画
- Invisibility and Hiding skill now remove war mode
- Animal Form now doesn't reveal caster
使用Animal Form[动物形态]不会使使用者暴露。
- No longer possible to enter unlimited stealth mode
- Confidence now restores health by 1hp portions
- Fixed bug where server crashed when player on ethereal mount gets poisoned.

- Luck calculation for killed monsters fixed. Now each killer's luck counted scaled to his damage percent.
- The Wanderer of the Void box in the Lamp Room can no longer be opened from the outside
(Void box? Lamp Room? 专有名词一大堆,不认识)

- SunUO 0.1.9:(这段是服务器端的,让兔子忙乎去吧)
- fixed typo in Config.cs which disabled
- write etc/sunuo.xml only if it did not exist
- fixed NullReferenceException in overlay error handler
- added option to disable a script library
- added option to set the C# compiler's warning level
- fixed NullReferenceException in binary library loader
- library names are case insensitive
- added the --logfile option

- OSI Publish 33:(好像是粗话举报功能,我们用不着的)
- Added petition functionality, you can now target up to three people when reporting a verbal harassment issue. Targeting players can be done in 3 methods:
- Selecting the player with a target cursor
- Searching through a list of players in the areab by typing in the name
- Purchasing an advanced character is now handled through an automated process.
- Activating promotional codes in game will give a token which can be activated or traded. Activating the token will begin the advanced character process.
- GM chat: working use '[' (only 4.0.11a client)
- Treasures of Tokuno event has ended
- Players no longer accumulate points towards Treasures of Tokuno rewards when defeating enemies
- Ihara Soka will still be around to reward players for turning in artifacts
Ihara Soka将继续存在以激励玩家获得神器
- Doing a mouse-over of the house deed being traded will now provide more specific information on the house being traded
- Vendor contracts display a collect rent button even when they have no gold. This has been fixed so the option won't appear unless they have a value greater than 0

- The help screen has been updated:
- Links to the UO homepage have been updated.
- Only new players will have the option of teleporting to Haven
- New players are given the option to page a counselor

- Everyone will see the other -> other petition options
每人都能看到other -> other请求选项

- Arrows that miss their target will now be recovered automatically, rather than dropping to the ground behind a mob
- Shortly after dropping out of war mode, any recoverable arrows will be placed in the player's backpack
- Addressed an issue with followers being lost at logout.
- When a player logs out, followers (pets, hired NPCs) will be auto-stabled, returning to the player upon login
- Pets that do not automatically return to the player can be claimed at the stable master
- Monster abilities:
- Arcane Daemons can now use Concussion Blow
Arcane Daemon现在能够使用Concussion Blow[震击]
- Gargoylee Enforcers and Abyssmal Horror gained Whirlwind Attack
Gargoylee Enforcers和Abyssmal Horror现在能够使用Whirlwind Attack[旋风攻击]
- Shadow Knights now have both ConcussionBlow and CrushingBlow at their disposal
Shadow Knight现在能够使用ConcussionBlow[震击]and CrushingBlow[致命一击]
- Rikktor's chance of using Earthquake has been raised
- Special properties in player's property list: summary values from equipped items, kills, deaths (only for TC shards)
- Added NetState.ClientAddress field, which contains client address taken from character create/select request

- Champion skulls are now given to a player picked at random from the top attacker list, no longer to the one who dealt the most damage
Champion skulls现在将会随机掉落在所有攻击者中的一个的身上,而不再是造成最大伤害的攻击者
- Champion skulls now will be Cursed (i.e. not insurable)
Champion skulls现在是被诅咒的(例如不能保险)
- Neira gains a speed boost when her hits go below 1/4
- Close Wounds now cures 0-2 more hps
Close Wound[愈合伤口,骑士道能力]现在能多医疗0-2点hp
- Curse Weapon now lasts longer (36 seconds at 120 Necromancy instead of 17)
Curse Weapon[诅咒武器,死灵法术]现在的持续时间更长(当死灵技能120时持续36秒)
- Mind Rot now lasts twice as much against NPCs
Mind Rot[心灵腐化,死灵法术]在对NPC施放时持续时间加倍
- Virtues: the maximum number of blue dots is now 30, not 40
美德:现在blue dots的最大值将是30而不是40

- The Witch Apprentice quest now gives 2000~2200 gp as additional reward
女巫学徒任务现在将获得2000~2200 gp的额外奖励
- Text spoken by ghosts of players with GM Spirit Speak will now appear normal to everyone
- Both long and short kills displayed by "I must consider my sins" are now on the same line
当使用"I must consider my sins"显示长期和短期杀人犯罪信息时,信息将显示在同一行
- You no longer receive the "you may not enter" message when attempting to enter a private house
在尝试进入私人房屋时,不再收到"you may not enter"的信息。
- Ancient Wyrms can now poison on hit
能够对Ancient Wyrms施毒
- Serpentine Dragons no longer gain control of pets
(好像是说Serpentine Dragon,中国龙是吧,现在不能控制宠物了。以前能控制玩家的宠物?)
- Skeletal Dragons and Serpentine Dragons now have a 20% chance of dealing triple damage to pets
Skeletal Dragons[骨龙]和Serpentine Dragons[中国龙]现在有20%的几率对宠物发动3倍攻击
- All undead and elemental creatures are now immune to Bleed Attacks
- Correct hue values for Hiryu and Lesser Hiryu

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